Let’s Boil Beets

how to boil beetsPreparing Beets for Cooking Before Cooking:

Begin by washing the beets under cool water and trimming off the roots right before you plan to cook them. Keep the skin on to preserve both the vibrant color and the essential nutrients.

Boiling Instructions:

Place the beets in a pot with a small amount of cold water. The cooking time varies based on their size: small beets need about 1 hour, medium ones about 1.5 hours, and large beets up to 2 hours. Start timing when the water comes back to a boil. There’s no need to add salt to the water. Covering the pot will help cook the beets faster and preserve their vitamins. To test for doneness, pierce a beet with a fork or knife. If it enters smoothly, the beets are ready.

After Boiling:

Once the beets are cooked, drain them and peel the skin, which should come off easily after cooling them in cold water for a short while.

Serving Suggestions:

Serve the beets either warm or chilled as a complement to your meal.

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